Maynilad recently renewed its twinning arrangement for Sewage Design and Promotion with the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the Indah Water Konsortium (IWK) of Malaysia. The arrangement will enable Maynilad to further enhance its capability to design and operate combined sewer collection and treatment systems, particularly those that would benefit indigent communities in Maynilad’s concession area.
In photo:
(Seated L-R) Ir.Abdul Kadir Mohd Din (Chief Executive Officer, Indah Water Konsortium), Rogelio L. Singson (President, Maynilad Water Services, Inc.), Niels Van Dijk, (Team Leader, EcoAsia Water and Sanitation Program).
(Back) Mohd Ridhuan Bin Ismail (Executive Director, Sewerage Regulatory Dept.), Suruhanjaya Perkhidmatan Air Negara (SPAN), Hj Japar Abu, Member of Comission (SPAN), Risse Aquino Jose, Head of Corporate Social Responsibility Dept. (Maynilad), Saengroaj Srisawaskraisorn, Program Dev. Officer (USAID), Jay Tecson, Regional Water & Sanitation Specialist (ECO-ASIA).